It is the responsibility of the consumer to ensure that their use of the Shockwave Blade complies with all NFA laws and regulations. KAK Industry cannot provide any legal advice or interpretation of ATF rules and regulations. Please refer to the ATF website to determine if your use of the Shockwave Blade is controlled by the NFA or other regulations.
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Good brace, nice price, quick delivery
This is the first brace I've ordered for a build and it integrated easily. Like the other reviews, it is definitely smaller than it appears but it's certainly not an issue while in use. It fits comfortably and the adjustable aspect is also nice to find your 'sleep number'. Highly recommend this product as a good entry level brace with great quality and ease of installation and adjustment.
Great brace for Great Price
I bought the Shockwave to use while I wait for my tax stamp for my SBR. Even with the thin blade it still feels comfortable while in the shoulder area. Being able to use my 6-position buffer tube also helps with length of pull. I would recommend this to anyone who is thinking of purchasing one. Only issue I has was it did rattle a little bit on my buffer tube which I fixed with a thin layer of black electrical tape on top of the tube which tightened up the opening. Quick easy fix and had nothing to do with the KAK Shockwave Blade.
As basic as it gets, but adjustable. Nice
I've got a bunch of different braces, various generations, makers, etc. I liked the old Shockwave well enough, but new adjustable braces hit the market, I had to try those out. Been using the 'other company's' adjustable brace for a while, then decided to try the new 2.0 Shockwave out when I saw the sale. For the money it is right on target. Super basic, fast install, easy to adjust. If you don't want to spend a fortune on a brace, but still have adjustability, this will probably work just fine. Is it as comfortable as the adjustable 'other company' brace? No, but it is less than half the price and works just fine for a poodle gun. Surprising thing: This thing is really small. Smaller than the older version by quite a bit. Just enough of a fin to work just fine though.